Then Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Ypsilanti is the place to be on Thursday nights!
The Ypsilanti Community Choir is a nonprofit volunteer organization that has been bringing quality music to the area for more than 30 years. Members come from Washtenaw, Wayne, and Lenawee county. They are college students and retirees and everything in between. Some have been singing for years have formal training, others have only sung in the shower, and some don’t read music at all. Joy of singing is the common denominator.
The group provides enjoyment and cultural enrichment to members of our community through free concerts and other performances. Membership is open without audition!
If you would like to receive email notifications prior to the start of each semester, click here.
Click here to see the poster for our upcoming concert.

All rehearsals are held at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 201 North River Street, Ypsilanti.